RhyCap: Sparse-view real-time full-body motion capture system
We propose a lightweight real-time markerless mocap system. With even only three consumer-grade web cameras, the system achieves close industry-level accuracy. The system has been integrated into the Bilibili live streaming pipeline.
RhyLive: Monocular full-body motion capture for real-time streaming
Achieving fine-grained capture of the upper body, face, and hands using a single camera. The system has been integrated into the Bilibili live streaming pipeline.

ShanghaiTech University - 上海科技大学
Sep. 2020 - Present
I am now a Ph.D. candidate on digital human research, advised by Prof. Lan Xu and Prof. Jingyi Yu.

UESTC - 电子科技大学
Sep. 2014 - Jul. 2018
I obtained my B.E. in computer software engineering from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.

ByteDance - 字节跳动
Feb. 2025 -
Research scientist
I worked as a research scientist at ByteDance Intelligent Creation Lab.

Tencent - 腾讯
Aug. 2024 - Dec. 2024
Research scientist intern
I worked as a research scientist intern at Tencent AI Lab, working closely with Dr. Shaoli Huang and Dr. Ying Shan.

Jun. 2021 - May. 2022
Research scientist intern
I worked as a research intern at DGene Digital Technology Inc.

Jul. 2018 - Jun. 2020
3D Vision R&D
I joined Dilusense , where I worked closely with Prof. Juyong Zhang.

USTC - 中国科学技术大学
Oct. 2017 - Jun. 2018
Visiting student
I visited the GCL Lab in University of Science and Technology of China for 9 months, hosted by Prof. Ligang Liu.
Programming Languages
- Python (Pytorch, Pyrender, RL games, Issac gym, and so on.)
- C++ (OpenCV, CUDA and so on. )
- Visual Studio, Pycharm, Jupyter Notebook, Latex
- Unity, Blender, Maya
- Adobe Photoshop, Premiere
- Latex, Markdown